Monthly Archives: November 2013

Alternative Thanksgiving Menus- More Than Just a Big Roasted Turkey!

cooked_turkey-6729Thanksgiving is about spending time with those close to you and being thankful for what you have.  One of the most fun, but often stressful parts of the holiday is Thanksgiving dinner. Some people are vegan, vegetarian, or prefer organic/free-range/ antibiotic & hormone free meat. Some of us feel too intimidated to cook such a large bird, or just want to eat something else instead. Don’t worry, you have options!

Organic Turkeys (The better choice, but also pricier and harder to find)

You can buy an organic turkey from a specialty store, a local grocery store, a butcher or order one online.

Vegan and Vegetarian Options (More than just tofurkey!)

shepherds-pie-cropped-e1355932357316This lentil and mushroom Sheppard’s pie  is tasty and easy to make! This butternut squash and mixed mushroom lasagna is hearty and satisfying! Making your own tempeh turkey is simple and can be seasoned with various spices.  This pumpkin pie tart with chocolate crust is mouthwatering and doesn’t even need to be baked! Check out Fit Sugar for more ideas.


No Need to Cook a Large Turkey for Hours (Sometimes You Just Want Something Else)

aSautéing or baking turkey cutlets with cranberry sauce is a creative and delicious idea J Perhaps preparing a cornish hen, or salmon main course is more of your style. Food and Wine has many other great suggestions and recipes.  Some of us would prefer to leave the cooking to someone else and go out to eat for Thanksgiving!

However you spend the holiday, be sure to eat well, spend time with those close to you and be thankful J Happy Thanksgiving!
